Effortlessly Convert Audible to MP3, M4B, or MP4 Losslessly
With the help of Epubor Audible Converter, you can easily remove Audible DRM and convert DRM-protected Audible books to MP3/M4B/MP4, which are supported by most popular media players.
Download Audible to Computer & Split Audible into Chapters
Cannot find the 'Download' button for your Audible books? No need to worry. Epubor Audible Converter will load your Audible library and effortlessly download your Audible books to your computer. Furthermore, it offers the flexibility to select the common audio formats such as MP3, MP4, or M4B as the output format.
Don't want to download the entire Audible file as one large file? Epubor Audible Converter can help you split Audible into chapters by simply ticking the 'Split by chapters' box before downloading.
60X Faster Conversion Speed & 100% Original Quality
By employing a unique technique, Epubor Audible Converter is able to work at least 60 times faster when converting a DRMed audiobook to unprotected formats. If you opt for M4B or MP4 as the target format, the conversion speed can reach up to 1000 times faster on Windows and 5000 times faster on Mac. Furthermore, the converted Audible files maintains 100% of its original quality and retains the initial parameters, including the codec, channel, bit rate, etc.
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